A Happy Ending

I love farm life…the berry patch, garden, chickens, cows, dogs, barn cats, and crops all growing in rows make my heart happy. I have always loved litters of barn cats. When I younger, I made it my mission to tame the ones I would find in my grandparents barn. Our barn cat population has waned in recent years, so I was very excited when our resident mama cat had a litter of FOUR kittens. None of them were all that excited to see me when I peeked in their hiding spot, so I wasn’t surprised when mama moved them. Then tragedy struck this week and we lost mama cat. Not knowing where to find them, I fretted about it. Dr Kennedy told me that once found, they’d need to be fed several times a day as they are not quite old enough to be on their own. Not exactly the news I wanted to hear during my busiest month of the year. The next morning, my favorite berry customer brought me another mama cat and kittens that needed a big barn home. As I took this new family to our barn, I heard mewing and found one of the orphaned kittens among the hay. I left it alone intending to come search for the rest after the berry patch closed.
Once berries were done, I went down to the barn to check on all my new kitty friends. My dad (who is visiting and has a soft spot for barn kitties too) came with me to help find the other 3. We found them in the shop, hungry, probably a little scared, and took them out to the barn hoping maybe new mama kitty would feel bad and take them in. What we found gave me hope…the orphaned kitten I found earlier in the barn was snuggled in with mama cat’s other 3 kittens in their box. We fed mama and told her how amazing she was, and put the other 3 (for a total of 7) kittens into the box. I am happy to report that this story has a happy ending. This morning I found 7 happy kittens and one mama cat that was hoping I was just bringing breakfast and not more babies. The Held Farm award for Mama of the Year goes to this new mama cat. Her award is all she can eat of her favorite brand of cat food and all the petting she will tolerate. God’s timing is perfect. He sent me the perfect mama cat at just the right time.
Now…onto the rest of the holiday weekend and berry season!

Mama cat trying to eat dinner in peace and two of the four orphaned kittens coming to check on her.

Mama cat trying to eat dinner in peace and two of the four orphaned kittens coming to check on her.

Nicholas Held