What's New at the Farm?

Even though strawberries are over, there is still plenty to do!
As a result of the awesome customer turnout this season, we expanded our patch. We plant new beds every year. Typically, we plant two new beds and rotate out two beds. This year, we are rotating out 3 beds and we have put in four. We planted our first two new beds before strawberry season officially started in mid-May. In an ideal world, the beds we planted today would have gone in a few weeks ago too. But…sometimes Mother Nature and work schedules don’t always coincide. I think this is the latest we’ve planted. But thankfully, the weather forecast is fairly cool so we should get these new plants off to a good start too!
Thanks to Miss Shelby for assisting on the planter this evening.


Other tasks completed this week included some hoeing in our market garden crops and planting round 2 of our green beans. Round 1 is growing…along with squash, okra, eggplant, and sugar snap peas. Thanks to Sydney for her help on those projects!

Syd does a great job with anything I ask of her… thanks Syd! You’re not allowed to go to college. ;)

Syd does a great job with anything I ask of her… thanks Syd! You’re not allowed to go to college. ;)

Finally, this week I noted that Eric Carle was celebrating 50 years of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It’s a favorite of mine to read to the girls and they have it memorized. Tonight I noticed some nibbles out of the milkweed growing near the garden. We usually have some resident monarch caterpillars every summer. And sure enough- this summer we do as well! Welcome tiny friend! Hope to see you flutter by in a few weeks! Happy munching!

“One Sunday (ok technically it’s Friday) morning, the warm sun came up and POP! Out of the egg came a tiny and very HUNGRY caterpillar!” Thank you Eric Carle!

“One Sunday (ok technically it’s Friday) morning, the warm sun came up and POP! Out of the egg came a tiny and very HUNGRY caterpillar!” Thank you Eric Carle!

Other farm fun includes daily barn kitten play time, egg gathering, feeding the cattle, putting up hay so we can feed the cattle all year long, and planting of soybeans. There’s always something going on around here! Until next time!!!

Nicholas HeldComment